Gilchrist Publications
Gilchrist publications include our Year in Review, Reflections newsletter and brochures written about our programs and services. We also invite you to read The Gilchrist Blog, which is an extension of the stories we share in our printed newsletters.
Year in Review Publications
The Year in Review shares stories about donors, patients, families and staff and also highlights the organization’s accomplishments that are made possible each year thanks to the support and generosity of our donors.

Reflections Newsletters
Our newsletter is published twice a year and features the latest Gilchrist news, community and remembrance events as well as heartwarming and inspiring stories about our patients, families, staff and volunteers.
Gilchrist’s brochures provide educational and supportive information about our organization. These publications include overviews of our three main services – Counseling and Support, Elder Medical Care and Hospice Care. We also offer program specific information if more detailed information is required on certain subjects. All Gilchrist brochures are available upon request.

Want to read more about Gilchrist? Catch up on the latest news like press releases from Gilchrist and spotlights in local and national media.