Hospice Care Resources
Hospice care enhances the end of life. This service allows people to live their final days to the fullest. Additionally, hospice focuses on quality care that keeps people free of pain. Moreover, Gilchrist offers care wherever you call home. To help you with planning ahead, there are links below to several hospice care resources.
Advance Care Planning
Partnerships and Articles
The Importance of Naming a Healthcare Decision Maker
Important Forms
An advance directive is a key form when planning for your care. This form is for people to plan for when they may not be able to make decisions for themselves. The directive states what actions should be taken for their health. Planning ahead is very important. Start by viewing some helpful forms below.

- MOLST – Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment – Filling out the MOLST form makes your treatment wishes known to health care professionals. You can state your preference for medical orders such as CPR and comfort care.
- Five Wishes – Five wishes is a U.S. advance directive. This legal form lists your choices for medical treatment, comfort and care wishes.
- Maryland Advance Directives – A guide to Maryland law on planning health care decisions. Several important forms are included. Examples are designating a health care agent, completing a living will and documenting other care preferences.
It is never too early to begin the planning process and to discuss your healthcare wishes. This list of hospice care resources is meant to help you with this process. You should consult with your attorney for any legal advice.