Beyond the Bucket List: From Life’s Challenges to Healing at Gilchrist
Clinton Tattrie’s life story is a touching reminder of how resilience and proper support can turn life’s most challenging chapters into stories of hope and renewal. Born in the quaint town of Kinston, North Carolina, Clinton’s family relocated from West Virginia back to North Carolina a few times. As Clinton entered adulthood, he faced significant challenges, struggling with substance abuse.
A Life of Resilience and Struggle
Battling with drug addiction, something that shadowed him for much of his lifetime, he found himself facing the stark reality of his mortality in April 2023 when he was faced with a terminal illness. But in the face of this, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of a bucket list trip with a close friend. Together, they set off to explore the vast beauty of the West, visiting iconic landmarks like the Black Hills of South Dakota, the stoic faces of Mount Rushmore, and the awe-inspiring Devil’s Tower National Monument in Wyoming.
A Journey of Hope
Life can be unpredictable. When Clinton arrived in Colorado, his trip was cut short when his health worsened, and he had to fly directly back to Maryland. A terminal diagnosis led to his becoming eligible for hospice, and he was admitted into Gilchrist Center Howard County. His stay wasn’t a long one, as he chose to leave and had a brief return to life on the streets. But this new moment of hardship proved to be a turning point for him. As his illness progressed, he contacted his former social worker at Gilchrist and soon transitioned into Gilchrist Center Baltimore, where he received medical care and a chance for a better quality of life through the end of his life. Gilchrist Center Baltimore prides itself on caring for patients who would otherwise not have a home to spend their dying days, providing the end-of-life care everyone deserves, regardless of ability to pay.
Finding Peace at Gilchrist Center Baltimore

Clinton’s life took on a new meaning when he arrived at Gilchrist Center Baltimore. Music therapy helped him find a rhythm to life that was both healing and uplifting. Visits from service pets brought him joy and companionship, enriching his days with unconditional love and support. Gilchrist was more than just a hospice for Clinton; it was a sanctuary where he could find peace and care in a community that embraced him with open arms. Despite being terminally ill, Clinton is now able to enjoy the best quality of life in his final months. “I love Gilchrist Baltimore. Gilchrist has made my life better,” Clinton shares. Susan Serp, one of Clinton’s nurses, describes the happiness he brings to the center: “Clint makes us all smile and lets us realize why we became health care providers. He knows us by name and, at times, stands at his doorway and greets us. No matter what one’s background or history is, that stops at our Gilchrist Center Baltimore doorway because it really doesn’t matter at all. We are a team, and we do what we need to do, and that brings us peace.”
Clinton Tattrie’s story reminds us of the power of resilience and the strength of seeking help. It’s a reminder that no journey, no matter how difficult, is possible with the right support and care. For the past 30 years, Gilchrist has taken pride in supporting patients like Clinton during their final moments, enabling them to live life to the fullest in comfort and peace.
**Note: Regrettably, Clinton Tattrie passed away on April 12, 2024, following the completion of this blog. To learn more about Gilchrist Center Baltimore, visit: