Becoming a Volunteer
Benefits of Volunteering for Hospice
Volunteering for hospice is very rewarding. When you become a volunteer, you can make a difference to the patient and their loved ones at a time when they need it most. You have the chance to make connections that are meaningful. Moreover, you get to learn more about the person you are visiting. Not only are you helping the patient and their family, but you are also helping Gilchrist. We have also heard from our volunteers that they come away from the experience with a new appreciation for life.
Adult Volunteer Program
Who qualifies for the Adult Volunteer program
• 18 years of age or older and out of high school. Students enrolled in any post-secondary school including undergraduate, graduate, post-baccalaureate or medical school, please apply thru the College Program below.
• Willing to commit to 2 hours a week of service for a minimum of 6 months
Next Steps
Completing an online application is the first step to becoming a volunteer. Applications are reviewed by Volunteer Services and potential candidates are contacted for an interview. During the interview process, applicants can share more detail about their interest in volunteering, obtain answers to questions they may have and learn about the Department of Volunteer Services, our requirements for volunteering and more details about current volunteer openings.
Applicant Requirements:
Applicants who are offered a volunteer role will be required to:
• Complete Hospice Orientation
• Complete HIPAA Training
• Provide proof of Covid vaccination
• Provide documentation of a current (within 12 months) PPD test
• Provide documentation of Flu vaccine (during flu season only)
• Complete an authorization for Criminal Background Check
How to apply:
Use our online application form to apply for a volunteer position at Gilchrist.
College Volunteer Program
What are the benefits of volunteering at Gilchrist?
• Provide much needed support and companionship to hospice patients and their families
• Gain experience working with the chronically ill and dying
• Opportunity for exposure to various health care settings
• Educational opportunities
What services can Volunteers perform?
• Volunteers offer companionship that might include playing games, reading, crafts, music, taking walks or simply providing a comforting presence.
• For caregivers, volunteers can offer support through conversation and listening, encouraging them to share stories or memories.
• Specialty services such as caring touch, legacy journaling, music support (once approved)
• Each patient and family will have different needs, and you will learn how to tailor your activities to each individual’s interests and preferences.
What services can’t Volunteers perform?
• Feeding, bathing, dressing or toileting patients
• Transporting patients
• Administering medications or any other clinical activities
Where could Volunteers serve?
• Patient homes
• Senior Living Communities
• Gilchrist Hospice Centers
Besides companionship what other opportunities might occur while you are serving?
• Participation in Interdisciplinary Team meetings
• Shadowing with a hospice MD or APP
• Additional monthly training sessions on topics such as: Communicating with Dementia patients, Boundaries, Doula certification, etc.
• Administrative support
• Must be a rising junior or senior undergraduate or above
• Available at least 2 hours/week and/or 60 hours for the academic year
• Complete 16 hours of training – virtually and in-person
• Required to attend orientation
• Attend Quarterly In-Service Trainings
• Provide immunization records including: flu vaccination (December-May), Covid vaccination, TB test performed within the last 12 months
• Complete an authorization for a background check
Dates to remember:
· Application Dates: June 2 – July 11. No applications will be accepted after midnight on July 11th.
· Zoom Interviews will be held between July 21 – August 1st. Sign-ups will be posted by July 15th.
· Notification of acceptance into the program will be emailed August 8th.
· All onboarding documents must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on September 8th. It is the responsibility of the student to check that the information is complete. If a complete set of documents is not submitted, you will not be invited to the orientation.
· Orientation will be offered in person or virtually and will be held at 5:00pm on September 15th. A make-up session may be offered on September 17th. Attendance at this session is MANDATORY.
· Your schedule will be emailed to you by September 19th and shifts will begin the week of September 22nd.
Other important program information:
• Your schedule will be determined at the beginning of each semester. Changes to your schedule are subject to the needs of our patients and at the discretion of the Volunteer Coordinator.
• Volunteers are not expected to take an assignment during winter or spring break.