Reflecting on Counseling Awareness Month
April begs us to notice the arrival of spring—the usual rains that fall, and the flowers that shoot up through the softening ground. For me...

Comfort and Encouragement for Grieving Mothers
Over my years as a clinical grief counselor I have facilitated many offerings from our Grief Counseling program. While I have enjoyed them all—each for...

Being a Gilchrist Social Worker
Each March during National Social Work Month, I get to consider: What does it mean to be a social worker at Gilchrist hospice? I know...

In Times of Tragedy or Loss, Gilchrist Offers Counseling and Support
It seems our nation is faced with more acts of violence and death than ever before. With every tragedy, we find ourselves dealing with emotions...

The Journey Continues: Grief in the Second Year
In my 15 years as a bereavement counselor—and through my personal experience—I have found that in our society, people are not comfortable with grief. Those...

The New Gilchrist: More Than Hospice
More Than Hospice If you’re like most people, when you think of Gilchrist, you probably think of hospice care. But Gilchrist is so much more...

Celebrating Our Loved Ones
Anniversaries, birthdays and holidays can be a real challenge for grievers, especially when the days remind us of who is missing. In the beginning, the pain...