The Gilchrist Blog
The goal of our blog is to provide you with comprehensive and inspiring information about issues that are important to our continuum of care. We also share the latest news about Gilchrist, highlight our work in the community, promote upcoming events, provide program-specific information and offer ways you can help – either by volunteering or fundraising.

What Hospice Quality Means At Gilchrist
Healthcare quality professionals at Gilchrist proudly join the National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ) and those around the country in celebrating Healthcare Quality Week, October...

Tending to the Spiritual Needs of Patients With Dementia
Dedera Baker writes about her experience with dementia patients as a Gilchrist chaplain in honor of Pastoral Care Week, which celebrates the practice of spiritual...

Premier Health Care Delivered to Your Door
A Patient in Need It was a hot summer day when Gilchrist nurse practitioner Jessica Trizna arrived at the home of her patient, who was...

She Sings to People to Make Them Feel Better
The last time I blogged about music therapy was shortly after the program at Gilchrist began in the fall of 2012. Rereading that reflection has...

Join Us at Gilchrist’s 2018 Taste of Howard County
As the general manager of Turf Valley Resort, a family-owned business in Howard County, it has always been important to me and my family to be...

Finding the Good Days: Pediatric Cancer
A diagnosis of pediatric cancer is a devastating blow to children and their families. Fortunately, pediatric cancer treatment has come a long way in the...

The Importance of Naming a Health Care Decision Maker
Wouldn’t you assume that your next of kin—your spouse, your adult children or your closest relative—could make health care decisions for you in the event...

When Seniors Need House Calls
The Gilchrist Elder Medical Care at Home program was created to meet the needs of seriously ill seniors who are no longer able to make...

Run With Us To Support Gilchrist Center Baltimore
Join Run GBMC to support Gilchrist Center Baltimore. For over 30 years, Gilchrist Center Baltimore has provided compassionate, end-of-life care to residents of Baltimore City....

Giving Children Control in Their Care Choices
Families facing a terminal prognosis for their child are faced with an impossible choice: to continue treatments—grasping at any hope for a cure even when...